Trap Door - January 1984 to December 1984

In a typical episode, something weird escapes from the Trap Door and runs around causing mischief, leaving poor old Berk to clean up the mess while Drutt gets in the way, 'Im Upstairs shouts about the noise, and Boni constantly complains. Simple, but a winning formula.
While it is known that the show originally aired in 1984, unfortunately the exact air dates of the episodes have proved difficult to track down, which is why all of the episodes are marked here as "never aired" (the only way to enter an episode without an air date is to mark it as never having aired at all), and the show's general air dates say January 1 through December 31, which is not precise but serves to show that the year was 1984. However, all 40 episodes of the show are present and accounted for in this guide.